Opening Letter
Dear Reader,
Narratives abound within “Black Rock Station,” a time-traveling railway station crafted by Wes Modes and the Black Rock Transportation Company, which first appeared in Black Rock City in 2022. This whimsical art project captivates me for countless reasons. Inhabiting the station means joining fellow travelers on a journey through pivotal moments, both fleeting and tangible. It evokes memories of my childhood and my family’s long-standing passion for trains.
Burning Man, with its myriad of intriguing forms, shares this ephemeral quality. Steeped in lore, this global cultural phenomenon has grown from the collective efforts of thousands who traverse time and space to honor our past and forge our future.
Over the winter of 2022 to 2023, “Black Rock Station” took refuge in Northern Nevada, enveloped in snow and suspended in time, providing shelter to wild fauna and sparking the curiosity of creatures and visitors alike.
As the seasons changed, the station was once again on the move, this time returning to Black Rock City for 2023. In its second year, the city emerged more vibrant and confident, built on both new and longstanding foundations.
We are at a celebratory milestone for Burning Man. The train has departed, setting off on a voyage to realms yet unimagined. People power this cultural movement, lighting up connections across the globe wherever Burning Man lands.
We embody our past and our present — and, most exhilaratingly, the future we are creating together. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to share this journey with all of you.
With delight,
Marian Goodell
Chief Executive Officer, Burning Man Project